Parts Breakdown & Schematics

Parts Breakdowns are available for download. Just click on the link for the desired product. Not finding a parts breakdown? Contact Us and we’ll get it to you by the next business day.

Parts Breakdowns are available for download. Just click on the link for the desired product. Not finding a parts breakdown? Contact Us and we’ll get it to you by the next business day.


Diaphragm Series

DP-3 Series (with Comet Pump) Parts Breakdown and Schematic

DP-3 Series (with Udor Pump) Parts Breakdown and Schematic

DPH-8 Series (with Comet Pump) Parts Breakdown and Schematic

DPH-8 Series (with Zeta Pump) Parts Breakdown and Schematic

DPH-56/250 (with Udor Pump) Parts Breakdown and Schematic

DPH-56/250 (with Zeta Pump) Parts Breakdown and Schematic


Piston and Roller Series

DE Series Parts Breakdown and Schematic

RP Series Parts Breakdown and Schematic


Electric Series

EL1/EL1A (with Udor Pump) Parts Breakdown and Schematic

EL1/EL1A  (with EWS Pump) Parts Breakdown and Schematic

EL2/EL3 (with Udor Pump) Parts Breakdown and Schematic


High Pressure Pneumatic Series

HP-10 Parts Breakdown and Schematic

HP-25/35 Parts Breakdown and Schematic

HP10-V Parts Breakdown and Schematic

HP-35/20 Parts Breakdown and Schematic

HP-20 Parts Breakdown and Schematic

HP10-B Parts Breakdown and Schematic

HP-6/500 Parts Breakdown and Schematic

HP10-VT Parts Breakdown and Schematic

HP-30 Parts Breakdown and Schematic

HP-1/55 Parts Breakdown and Schematic

HPD-6/55 Parts Breakdown and Schematic (contact Rice Hydro for information)

HP-7/10 Parts Breakdown and Schematic

HP-30/25 Parts Breakdown and Schematic

HPD-6/35 Parts Breakdown and Schematic (contact Rice Hydro for information)


Triplex High Pressure Series

TRH2 Parts Breakdown and Schematic (with Udor Pump)

TRH2 Parts Breakdown and Schematic (with LWD Pump)

TRH8 Parts Breakdown and Schematic (with General Pump)

TRH8 Parts Breakdown and Schematic (with EWD Pump)

TRH-10 Parts Breakdown and Schematic


Shoring Pressure Pump

ST-312 Parts Breakdown and Schematic (with Udor Pump)

ST-312 Parts Breakdown and Schematic (with LWD Pump)


Hand Pump Series

MTP Series Parts Breakdown


Fire Hose Series

FH3/EL-FHT Parts Breakdown and Schematic (with EWS Pump)

FH3/EL-FHT Parts Breakdown and Schematic (with Udor Pump)

FH10 Parts Breakdown and Schematic

FH2-H and FH2-B Parts Breakdown and Schematic (with EWS Pump)

FH2-H and FH2-B Parts Breakdown and Schematic(with Udor Pump)

FH 12.5/500 Parts Breakdown and Schematic (with Udor Pump)


Post Hole Digger Series